Seller FAQ

Common Questions

Q: How does this process work?

A: The process is very simple. All you have to do is call us at 704-727-4777 or submit your information on the contact form.

Once you have submitted the form, the information will be sent to our office. We will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your home and your situation.

If the situation is a win-win for both you and us, we will make an offer on your home. You will then determine if you wish to accept or reject our offer.

Q: Do you pay fair market value? Do you use an appraisal? How do you determine the price you’re willing to pay?

A: Just as every homeowner’s situation is unique, so is the process in which we determine what an appropriate offer for a home might be.

Things we take into consideration include the condition of the home, cost of repairs needed, the current local market conditions, as well as the urgency of the situation.

Q: How much do you charge?

A: There is no fee to the home seller for our service.

Q: Does it matter if I have a realtor?

A: Our suggestion would be that you go ahead and fill out the form so that we can contact you. After that time, you may wish to contact your realtor to see what happens if you find your own buyer. Sometimes their commissions can be waived or fees can be significantly lowered.

Q: Do you only buy houses? Or will you buy condos, manufactured homes, etc?

A: We do not concentrate solely on houses. We can help you sell townhouses, condominiums, duplexes, beach property, office buildings, farms, land, or any structure that has land deeded to it such as a manufactured home or a mobile home.

Q: What if I have my property rented?

A: Don’t worry if your home is rented. We can buy your house and take care of the renters later. If you have family living there we can always make special arrangements for them.

Q: What if I am behind on payments?

A: If you are behind on payments, we can work out an arrangement with your lender to get you out from under the property. We have a team of expert negotiators to deal with the bank on your behalf.

Q: Do I have to make repairs on my property?

A: No, we will purchase the home in its as/is condition. You do not have to do anything.

Q: How do I get started?

A: Call 704-727-4777 or complete the simple form here!